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Children's of Alabama's Division of Rehabilitation Medicine collaborates with other agencies and organizations to serve patients with disabilities.

Alabama Department of Public Health

Alabama Head Injury Foundation
The Alabama Head Injury Foundation (AHIF) was founded by professionals and families in 1983 to increase public awareness of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and to stimulate the development of supportive services. Today, AHIF is among the largest state brain injury associations in the nation with model programs and statewide services.

ASCCA stands for Alabama's Special Camp for Childen and Adults. Its mission is to help children and adults with disabilities achieve equality, dignity and maximum independence through a safe and quality program of camping, recreation and education in a year-round barrier-free environment.

Cerebral Palsy Research Network

Cerebral Palsy Foundation 

Children's Rehabilitation Service
A division of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Service, Children's Rehabilitation Service (CRS) is a statewide organization of health-care professionals who are committed to providing quality medical rehabilitation, care coordination and support services for children and adolescents with special health-care needs and their families. Every county in Alabama is served through a network of 15 community-based offices.

Lakeshore Foundation
Lakeshore Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that promotes independence for persons with physically disabling conditions and opportunities to pursue active, healthy lifestyles. The Foundation offers a wide range of fitness, recreation, athletic and education programs to members - children and adults who experience some 32 different diagnostic conditions including spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, amputation, head injury, birth conditions or trauma from accidents or acts of violence.

Magic Moments
Magic Moments is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to making the dreams of Alabama's children come true by giving them a magic moment that will last a lifetime.

Muscular Dystrophy Association
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) combats neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive medical and community services and far-reaching professional and public health education.

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD), Birmingham, Alabama

National Brain Injury Association, Inc.

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is the leading national organization serving and representing individuals, families and professionals who are touched by a life-altering, often devastating, traumatic brain injury (TBI). The BIAA provides information, education and support to assist the 5.3 million Americans currently living with traumatic brain injury and their families.

Spina Bifida Association of Alabama

United Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is the leading source of information on cerebral palsy. UCP's mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network.