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The Robotics and Mobility Program (RAMP) at Children's of Alabama provides physical therapy and occupational therapy services for children and teens with physical impairment. The program offers a broad scope of treatment options for children and teens in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. These services are designed to help increase strength, mobility, and functional skills for a broad range of clients.

Generous community and organizational support have enabled the purchase of highly advanced computer-driven robotic technology that is utilized in the treatment of our patients. These technology-assisted therapies enable children to practice activities that they may otherwise be unable to do in positions that they also may be unable to achieve or maintain without the additional support and/or input provided through these systems. Technology-assisted therapies help increase input and feedback to the brain and body as well as increases patient motivation and engagement. Interactive computerized games help hold the attention and interest of our kids while accomplishing “therapeutic” results of improving strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and overall function.

RAMP is not a cure all or a stand-alone treatment/service. A physician order for physical therapy and/or occupational therapy is required for participation in the program. Not all patients are candidates for the program or for all available technology. Each patient receives an individualized therapy assessment by one or both services. Patient’s progress and outcomes are tracked by the therapist(s) and through the technology itself.