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Children’s of Alabama Visitation Policy

VisitationWe believe that family presence and involvement are essential to the healing process of our patients and value the need for family members to be together during a child’s stay in the hospital. At Children’s of Alabama, we encourage parents/guardians to spend as much time as they can with their child and to participate in their child’s care as a valued member of the care team.

We make every effort to comfort the patient as well as the families during this challenging time. Please keep in mind that occasionally physicians, charge nurses or hospital administration may limit, restrict or refuse visitation when it is necessary for safe patient care, to perform procedures, to handle possible emergencies or any other factor necessary for the wellbeing of our patients. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding when this occurs.

  • Masks are recommended, but not required. Note: masks may be required in some patient care areas.
  • Inpatient visitation hours: 9am – 9pm.
  • Max of 4 people at any one-time (includes parents, siblings, extended family, and others).
  • After 9pm: only 2 parents OR caregivers permitted. All others must leave the hospital.
  • Parent/caregiver should be present in patient’s room to receive other visitors.
  • Visitation restrictions may apply when:
    • Clinically necessary.
    • Patient is on isolation.
    • Infection prevention practices dictate, including:
      • Parents, family, and visitors who have fever, cough, or other flu/infectious symptoms are not allowed to visit.
      • Siblings and children under the age of 13 are not allowed to visit at all when Seasonal Visitation Guidelines are in effect (October 1st – March 31st each year).
  • Visitor guidelines may vary on critical care units, including age restrictions for siblings and other children.
  • Flu vaccine is recommended for visitors on some critical care units.
  • Visitors who have received live viral vaccines in the last 30 days are not permitted on some units.
  • Visitation hours and guidelines differ on the Behavioral Health unit and are discussed upon admission to Behavioral Health.
  • Outpatient clinics, Primary Care Practices, One Day surgery, the Heart Center and the Emergency Department each follow their own visitation guidelines that may differ from those listed above.


  • Parents and Caregivers:
    • Picture ID is required for parent or caregivers to receive a badge/pass.
    • Obtain a visitor’s sticker from main lobby Information Desk to access unit.
    • Once in the patient’s room, obtain Parent or Caregiver Ticket from nurse.
    • Take ticket to Information Desk to obtain hard badge.
    • Use hard badge for the duration of patient’s stay.
    • Badge must be worn and visible at all times.
    • A new badge is needed if patient moves to a different unit.
  • Siblings, family, and visitor Identification:
    • Picture ID is required for visitors to receive a badge/pass.
    • Obtain new visitor sticker from Information Desk each day.
    • Sticker must be worn and visible at all times.
    • Visitor sticker expires at close of visitation (9pm) each night.

Unit-specific questions regarding visitation should be discussed with your child’s nurse
or social worker.

If you have questions about our visitation policy please contact:

Associate Vice President, Customer Service
Children’s of Alabama

Inpatient Visitation Guidelines

Downloadable PDF (English)

Downloadable PDF (Spanish)

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On January 1, 2023, the Alabama law regarding firearms was amended to allow an individual to carry a concealed firearm without a permit on public property. Alabama Code 13A-11-61.2 considers Children’s of Alabama an “excluded facility.” Firearms and weapons are still prohibited on all Children’s property. Safety is our top priority and our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for all employees, patients and visitors.