Dismiss Modal

The following is a list of phone numbers that may be useful during your child's stay at Children's of Alabama.

To place a local telephone call, dial 9 + the seven digit telephone number.
To place a long distance call, dial 9 + 1 + the area code + the seven digit telephone number + the long distance code (obtain through Social Services)
To place a call within the hospital campus, dial 8 + the last four digits of the telephone number

For numbers not listed below, call the main hospital number, 205-638-9100.

In case of emergency 911
Children's of Alabama Main Number 205-638-9100
Outpatient Surgery 205-638-9596
Children's South Appointment Number 205-638-9100


Amelia Center 205-638-7481
Business Office 205-638-5600
Child Passenger Safety Information 205-638-9900
Children's Harbor Family Center 205-638-6123
Children's South 205-638-4800
Clinic Appointment Desk 205-638-9141
Corporate Communications 205-638-6660
Daily Menu Line 205-638-9978
Food Services 205-638-9281
Foundation 205-638-9183
Gift Shop 205-638-9295
Information Desk 205-638-9111
Laboratory 205-638-9611
Language Services (Interpreters) 205-638-9191
Lactation Center 205-638-6600
Medical Records 205-638-9728
fax 1: 205-638-5367
fax 2: 205-638-5453
Motel/Hotel Information 205-638-9191
Pastoral Care (Chaplains) 205-638-9090
Patient Education 205-638-9377
Patient Representative 205-638-9191
Patient Scheduling 205-638-9122
Pharmacy 205-638-9641
Poison Control Center 800-222-1222
PT/OT 205-638-9645
PT/OT Park Place 205-638-6289
Radiology 205-638-9665
Rainbow Call Center 205-638-9241
Respiratory Therapy 205-638-9675
Ronald McDonald House Information 205-638-9684
Sunshine School 205-638-9651
Security 205-638-9682
Social Services 205-638-9684
Volunteer Services 205-638-9695