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Q & A

What is "compliance"?

Compliance is...following the federal and state laws and regulations to which Children's is subject, including our Code of Conduct and other in-house policies and procedures.

What kinds of issues should I report to the Compliance Department?

A few examples of the matters we address are:

  • Fraud
  • Falsification of records or documentation
  • Irregularities in financial, accounting, auditing or control processes
  • Violations of laws, regulations or legal standards that are not employment-related*
  • Misuse of Children's resources, assets or equipment
  • Conflicts of Interest
    • Giving or receiving of gifts/entertainment/meals or other items in violation of the Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Political activities that may violate the Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Working or volunteering for another organization that may interfere or compete with work responsibilities at Children's
    • Selling or purchasing products or services for personal gain during work hours
  • Retaliation for reporting a compliance issue
  • All other violations of the Code of Conduct

*Please note that it is very difficult to fully investigate instances of possible discrimination or sexual harassment when the reporter wishes to remain anonymous. For this reason, it is preferable that these allegations be reported to a supervisor or Human Resources directly. If the Hotline is used for reporting these, and the reporter remains anonymous, Compliance may not have the resources it needs to effectively investigate the matter.

What can happen if someone does not obey laws and regulations?

Disciplinary action, loss of medical staff privileges, termination, civil/monetary fines, or criminal penalties may occur as a result of compliance violations.

What should I do if I think something improper is going on?

First, talk with your supervisor. If you aren't satisfied after talking with your supervisor, or if you are uncomfortable talking with your supervisor, submit a Hotline report by clicking on the Hotline Button in the right margin of The Red Wagon. There, you have the option to either file a report online or to call the Compliance Hotline at 1-800-624-9775. Additionally, you may contact the Corporate Compliance Officer at 205-638-7134 (this number does not protect your anonymity).

What kind of information do I give when reporting a possible violation?

When submitting a Hotline report, please give as much detail as possible, including names/titles/departments, specific/physical descriptions, time of day, or ID/tag numbers, if applicable. At the beginning of the reporting procedure, you will create a unique password for this report only. At the end of the procedure, you will be given a Report Key, which, along with your password, allows you to check back for updates or questions on your report. You must write down the Report Key number and your unique password to go back into your report and check its status. To allow us to make a thorough investigation, we urge you to please check back on your report, in case we have any questions.

For more information on reporting, please select the Hotline Reporting link.

What if I report my suspicion of a compliance violation, but my suspicion turns out to be wrong?

It is your responsibility to report suspected compliance violations. If your report is accurate and truthful, there can be no discipline, retaliation, or reprimand for reporting a suspected violation.

What can happen if I do not report a violation?

You may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination, if you know of a violation but do not report it. Every effort is made to protect confidentiality to the extent allowed by law.

Why do we have to complete annual compliance training?

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends annual compliance training. Completion of the training is included on the annual employee performance evaluation and is a condition of employment.