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Weather Awareness

Alabama is no stranger to severe weather– in fact, we are part of “Dixie Alley”, an area in the Southeast known for tornadoes. Severe weather is most likely to occur between November and May, but could happen any time of year. It’s important to be prepared and have a plan for what to do in the event of severe weather.

Storm Anxiety and Children

  • Designate a safe place in your home (interior room near the center of the house without windows).
  • Keep helmets in your safe place for everyone.
  • Get a weather radio and enable emergency alerts on your phone; outdoor tornado sirens are not enough.

Severe Weather Readiness

Weather Safety Articles

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Tornadoes: Helping Your Family Be Prepared

Tornadoes can happen anytime and anyplace with little warning, so it’s important to be prepared.

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Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm

Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes are happening more often.

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Estrés por las tormentas: Ayudar a los niños a mantener la calma

Los fenómenos climáticos, como las tormentas eléctricas, los tornados y los huracanes están ocurriendo con mayor frecuencia.

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