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Ways to Participate

Sign Up to participate in the study


There will be multiple ways for centers to participate in the VOGM-GRC: 

  1. Patient/family referral for cheek swab donation through an online-portal;
  2. Active patient recruitment at individual centers where providers consent patients/families for donation of germline DNA samples, including those patients who have completed treatment;
  3. Endothelial sampling of the VOGM lesion and collection of cheek swab DNA, sent to UAB for analysis;
  4. Endothelial tissue sampling (ETS) of the VOGM lesion and collection of cheek swab DNA, analysis performed at individual site and shared with UAB/COA for meta-analysis. 

Families will fill out a brief questionnaire detailing medical history of the persons submitting cheek swabs. A research coordinator from the VOGM-GRC will be available to work directly with families to ensure eligibility for our study and to answer any questions. Cheek swab kits and a consent form will be included.

Directions for Performing Cheek Swab

Common data elements will be agreed upon to ensure data accuracy. UAB/COA will serve as the IRB/DUA coordinating center. All sites will have access to the data generated from their samples.