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Published & Submitted Abstracts

Published Abstracts

  1. Tofil NM, Hartig JR, Zinkan L, White, ML. Pediatric intern simulation course focusing on cross cover problems and handoffs. Simul Healthc 2009; 4(5):200.
  2. Zinkan L, Stewart D, White ML, Tofil NM. Integration of high fidelity simulation into an established pediatric code review for newly hired nurses. Simul Healthc 2009; 4(5):180.
  3. Zinkan L, White ML, Tofil NM. High-fidelity simulation as part of a teen trauma prevention program. Simul Healthc 2009; 4(5):179.
  4. White ML, Zinkan L, Tofil NM. Pediatric intern lumbar puncture simulation and correlation to performance in the emergency room. Simul Healthc 2009; 4(5):174.
  5. Tofil NM, Grant MJ, White ML, Zinkan L, Patel B, Jenkins L, Youngblood AQ, Royal SA. Severe contrast reaction emergencies: high-fidelity simulation training for radiology residents and technologists. Simul Healthc. 2009;4(4):325.
  6. Niebauer JM, White ML, Zinkan JL, Youngblood A, Tofil NM. Hyperventilation in pediatric resuscitation: performance of code team members at simulated pediatric medical emergencies. Ped Crit Care Med. 2010;11(5):663.
  7. Tofil NM, Vankinemi K, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Harrington K, White ML. High-fidelity simulation enhances learning during a third year medical student pediatric clerkship. Sim Healthcare. 2010;5(6):416.
  8. White ML, Jones R, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM. Simulation to improve lumbar puncture performance in pediatrics. Simul Healthc. 2010;5(6):419.
  9. Jones NE, White M, Tofil NM, Pickens M, Youngblood A, Zinkan L, Baker M. Randomized trial comparing two mass casualty triage systems in a simulated pediatric mass casualty incident. J Investig Med. 2011;59(2):486.
  10. Tofil NM, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, White, ML. Ventilator caregiver education through the use of high fidelity pediatric simulators. Sim Healthcare 2011;6(6):384.
  11. Tofil NM, Niebauer JM, Peterson DT, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Lara D, Jakaitis B, Orr M, White ML. Breadth versus Depth? Repeated versus mixed case selection in pediatric resident simulation. Sim Healthcare 2011;6(6):393.
  12. Tofil NM, Harrington KF, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, Bartolucci AA, White ML Teaching fellows to teach through the use of simulation. Sim Healthcare 2011;6(6):416.
  13. Shirk A, White ML, Tofil NM, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Baker M. Disaster medical assistance team training using high fidelity medical simulation. Prehospital Emergency Care 2012;16(1):152-87.
  14. Jones NE, White M, Tofil N, Pickens M, Youngblood A, Zinkan L, Baker M. Randomized trial comparing two mass casualty triage systems in a simulated pediatric mass casualty incident. Prehospital Emergency Care 2012;16(1):152-87.
  15. Bishop A, Zinkan JL, Tofil NM, White ML. Pediatric medical and trauma resuscitation teamwork survey; J of Investigative Medicine 2012;60(1):312-466.
  16. Tofil NM, King C, Dollar J, Jarrell S, Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, White ML. Simulated ventricular fibrillation in an anesthetized pediatric patient. Sim Healthcare 2012;7(6):512.
  17. Tofil NM, Holt L, Peterson DT, Clemons J, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, White ML, Robin N. The use of high fidelity simulation in genetic counseling and genetic medical education. Sim Healthcare 2012;7(6):475.
  18. Tofil NM, Morris J, Peterson DT, Watts P, Leon K, Epps C, Harrington K, Bartolucci A, Pierce C, White ML. Interprofessional high-fidelity simulation training improves knowledge and teamwork in nursing and medical students during internal medicine third year clerkship. Sim Healthcare 2012;7(6):487.
  19. White ML, Tofil NM, Jolliffe C, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Peterson DT, Ying YY, Bernard D. A simulation course focusing on forensic evidence collection improves pediatric knowledge and standardizes curriculum for child abuse. Sim Healthcare 2012;7(6):493.
  20. Nassetta L, Tofil NM, Youngblood A, Zinkan L, Eschborn S, Peterson DT, White ML. Diagnostic Error in the Care of Simulated Pediatric Patients. J of Investigative Medicine 2013; 61(2):36.
  21. Tofil NM, Harnish K, Casson J, Rahman S, White ML, Eberhardt A. Capillary Refill Simulator. Sim Healthcare. December 2013: 8(6):634.
  22. Zinkan JL, Youngblood AQ, Peterson DT, Parsons G, Prier M, Leonard MK, White ML, Tofil N. Perceptions of Simulation at a School Nurse Workshop. Sim Healthcare. December 2013; 8(6):510.
  23. Belle A, Watts P, King J, Brown M, Langston S, Peterson DT, Epps C, Skipper MW, Prince C, White ML, An Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Simulation Experience—Laboratory Science, Medicine, Nursing and Respiratory Therapy Students. Sim Healthcare. December 2013; 8(6):409.
  24. White ML, Tofil NM, Bateman L, Youngblood A, Zinkan JL, Dure L, Needham B, Use of High-Fidelity Simulation to Explore Pediatric Critical Care and Emergency Physicians Communication Surrounding End-of-Life Care. Sim Healthcare. December 2013: 8(6):604.
  25. White ML, Zaveri P, Seelbach B, Mehta R, McAnich B, Fein D, Chang T, Burns R, Auerbach M, Jang J, Kessler D, Infant Lumbar Punctures Success Rates Report by Upper Level Residents. Sim Healthcare. December 2013: 8(6):605.
  26. Tofil NM, Peterson DT, Youngblood AQ, Zinkan JL, Doughton J, White ML. Impact of ACGME 2011 Resident work hours on PICU resident’s vigilance. Academic Pediatrics. 2014 14(4):e9.
  27. Larson-Williams LM, Youngblood A, Epps N, Peterson DT, Abdullatif H, Zinkan JL, White ML, Tofil NM. A Multidisciplinary, Longitudinal Simulation to Teach Pediatric Residents and Nurses How to Diagnose, Treat, and Manage Pediatric Patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):453.
  28. Cheng A, Brown L, Duff J, Davidson J, Overly F, Tofil NM, Peterson DT, White ML, Bhanji F, Gottesman R, Adler M, Zhong J, Grant V, Sudikoff S, Charnovich A, Duval-Arnould J, Hunt E, Kessler D, Lin Y, Robertson N, Doan Q, Wong H, Nadkarni V. Improving CardioPulmonary Resuscitation with a CPR Feedback Device And Refresher Simulations (CPR CARES Study): A Multicenter, Randomized Trial. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):394.
  29. Youngblood A, Zinkan JL, Cooper A, Peterson DT. Family Centered Simulation. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):476.
  30. Cravens MG, Benner K, Beall J, Worthington M, Denson B, Youngblood A, Zinkan JL, Peterson DT, Tofil NM. Evaluating the education of pharmacy students and pharmacists at a pediatric hospital using and educational module and simulation training versus educational module alone. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):405.
  31. White ML, Kebbel K, Hall R, DeMoss J, Peterson DT, Epps C. Who do you call when things get complicated? Simulations for Health Administration, Medicine and Nursing Students. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):475.
  32. McKenzie CT, Tilashalski KR, Peterson DT, White ML. High-Fidelity Simulation to Improve Dental Students' Clinical Communication. Simulation in Healthcare. 2014;9(6):459-460.
  33. Donoghue A, Brown L, Cheng A, Tofil NM. Quantifying clinical performance during simulated pediatric cardiac arrest. Simulation in Healthcare 2014: 9(6):407.
  34. Brown L, Tofil NM, Overly F, Lin Y, Duff J, Bhanji F, Nadkarni V, Hunt E, Charnovich A, Kessler D, Bank I, Cheng A. Impact of a CPR feedback device on healthcare provider workload during simulated cardiac arrest. Simulation in Healthcare 2015;10(6):466.
  35. Adler M, Overly F, Nadkarni V, Davidson J, Gottesman R, Bank I, Marohn K, Sudikoff S, Grant V, Cheng A for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Approach to confederate training within the context of simulation-based research. Simulation in Healthcare 2015;10(6):392. First Place - Program Innovation
  36. Walley S, Schaefer S, Tyner T, Walker K, Powell J, Tofil NM Smoking Cessation Counseling: A Simulation Enhanced Curriculum to Improve Communication Skills in Pediatrics. J of Investigative Medicine. 2016 64
  37. Duerring SA, White ML, Tofil NM, Nafziger SM, Pruitt CM, Shah MI, Doughty CB, Baker MD. Application of Pediatric Simulation Training for emergency prehospital providers. J of Investigative Medicine. 2016 64
  38. Hunt E, Duval-Arnould J, Chime N, Auerbach M, Kessler D, Duff J, Shilkofski, Brett-Fleegler M, Nadkarni V, Cheng A for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) Investigators. Building Consensus for the future of pediatric simulation: a novel ‘KJ Reverse-Merlin’ methodology. The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare. March 2016.
  39. Adler M, Overly F, Nadkarni V, Davidson J, Gottesman R, Bank I, Marohn K, Sudikoff S, Grant V, Cheng A for the International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research, Education (INSPIRE) CPR Investigators. Approach to confederate training within the context of simulation-based research. Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Vol 00, Number 00, Month 2016.
  40. 4.Marohn K, Sudikoff S, Brown L, Tofil NM, Peterson DT, Kessler D, Charnovich A, Hunt EA, Cheng A, Nadkarni V. Barriers to Performance of High Quality Chest Compressions Among Pediatric Providers: A Qualitative Multicenter Study. Simulation in Healthcare 2016;11(6):432.
  41. Tofil NM, Brown L, Lin J, Zhong J, Peterson DT, White ML, Grant V, Grant D, Gottesman R, Sudikoff S, Adler M, Marohn K, Davidson J, Doan Q, Cheng A. Workload of team leaders and team members during a simulated sepsis scenario. Simulation in Healthcare 2016;11(6):432.
  42. Bishop E, Schmit EO, Tofil N, Sasser W, Nichols M. Procedural Competence in Pediatric Residents. J of Investigative Medicine 2017; 65
  43. Dye, C., Tofil, N.M. Simulated encounter in primary care. J of Investigative Medicine 2017; 65

Submitted Abstracts

  1. Watts PI, Langston S, Dailey K, White ML, Peterson DT, Epps C. Partnering with medicine: Overcoming the barriers to integrating IP simulation into a BSN nursing curriculum. International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2015.
  2. Palaganas J, Rudolph JW, Gardner R, Peterson DT, Fey, Raemer D. Debriefing Interprofessional Groups. International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2015.