Partner Nursing Instructor
Welcome to Children's of Alabama (COA).
In order to gain entry and access to patients, patients' medical records and/or staff located in any COA facility, all Non-COA Nursing Professionals will apply for privileges before access is allowed. This privileging process applies to individuals who perform clinical nursing duties either independently or under the direct supervision of a member of Children's Hospital Medical or Nursing Staff.
Partner Nursing Instructor has to submit the following documents to Debra Stewart in Nursing Education and Research for the initial and annual renewal process.
1.__ Non-COA Nursing Professional Demographic Data Document (click here)
As part of this document you will read the Non-COA Staff Infomation Handbook to be current on the following topics, then sign and enter the date you completed it at the bottom of the document.
__ Fire Safety and Security Information
__ Code of Conduct
__ Infection Control
__ Patient Safety Goals
__ SBAR: Effective Communication
__ Child Abuse and Neglect
2.__ Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Statement Form (click here)
3.__ Bedside Nursing Instructor Continuing Competency Review Document (click here)
Your supervisor is to complete this document verifying the following by checking the boxes:
__ You are qualified to provide bedside Patient Care for Pediatric Patients
__ You have a current nursing license to practice in the State of Alabama
__ Your Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training is up-to-date and you have a current card
__ You are current with TB Skin Testing
__ And your Varicella Status-Positive Titers, Immunizatiuons and Hepatitis B Vaccine has been done or documented
Please route the completed forms to Debra Stewart, Nursing Education and Research office, Suite 410, in the Children's Harbor building of Children's Hospital. These completed items must be received with in 30 days of notification and privileges granted before your students are allowed into our facilities.
Contact Debra Stewart for further instructions or any questions.
Debra Stewart, MSN, R.N.
(205) 638-9909 Office
(205) 638-6066 FAX