Children’s of Alabama and UAB have a dedicated division of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology providing compassionate care for girls of all ages. In addition to providing routine gynecologic care, specialists within our hospital can help young women in many other areas. This includes counseling and education on contraceptive options including oral, transdermal, subcutaneous, injectable contraception and intrauterine devices. Evaluation and management of menstrual irregularity, benign disorders of genital tract and ovaries, vaginal dermatoses and confidential testing for sexually transmitted infections are also available for these young women.
Appointments: 205-996-3130
Administrative Office: 205-934-8865
Fax: 205-996-7090
Children's Park Place
Clinic C
1601 4th Ave South
Birmingham, AL 35233
Our clinic is located in Children's Park Place with free parking. The parking deck can be entered from either the corner of 16th Street and 5th Avenue or 17th Street and 5th Avenue.
Janeen L. Arbuckle, PhD, MD
Department of Women’s Reproductive Services, UAB
Kim Hoover, MD
Department of Women’s Reproductive Services, UAB
Amy Boone, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Women’s Reproductive Services, UAB
Blair Lacy, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Women’s Reproductive Services, UAB