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Diabetes Center

endo_support_team.jpgThe Diabetes Education Program at Children’s of Alabama is accredited by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Diabetes Program ADA Mission Statement:

The Children’s of Alabama (COA), in collaboration with the University of Alabama (UAB), believes that diabetes education for children with diabetes and their families is an integral part of the child’s health care. The comprehensive Diabetes Education Program at COA encourages and promotes diabetes self- management. The program’s qualified educators provide research- based information, technical skills, and psychological support. Teaching is individualized for each child/family based on the child’s age and developmental level. The program strives to provide an environment that is conductive to learning and promotes collaboration with all members of the diabetes healthcare team, foremost the child and his/her family. Professional development of all health care professionals involved in the education and care of children with diabetes is required.

Diabetes Program Coordinator:

Mary Cochran BSN, RN

Diabetes Educators:

Heather S.Armstrong- Lead Diabetes Educator
Jasmine Barnett
Sheila Benton
Nicole Chilton
Kristy Cox
Haley S. Crew
Becky Earmon
Mandy M. Gardner
Shamblin Griffice
Jamie M. Hagy
Mary Heatherly
Holley R. Houlditch
Regan E. Jennings
Carolyn S. McCorvey
Mallori Posey
Stephanie Simpson
Nicole Zylstra

Diabetes Pump Educators:

Melissa Ashdown- Lead Pump Educator
Mary Heatherly
Tina L. Hubbard 
Maria Jones
Cindy C. McCullers

Registered Dieticians:

Summer Aldridge
Gary Atchley

Social Workers:

Melody Higgins
Katie Martin

Diabetes Education Classes Offered:

Post Hospital Class- Newly Diagnosed Type 1 patients
Type 2 Class- Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Patients
Review Class- Review of skills and information for all patients by request of patient or provider.
One on One- Education Review or new caregiver

Scheduling a Class:

To schedule a class please call 205-638-9107

COVID 19-Letter to the Parents (PDF)

Additional Diabetes Resources