The Clinic Experience
Inititial Visit: The first visit to the Children's Center for Weight Management will last approximately 3 hours due to the number of health care professionals that will work with the family. Given the lengthy appointment time it is recommended that parents bring a healthy breakfast, or healthy snacks and drinks for their children. The first visit consists of the below steps:
Medical Evaluation: All new patients will be evaluated by a nurse practitioner and a pediatrician at their first appointment. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify any underlying medical conditions or potential medical complications of being overweight for example diabetes or high blood pressure. Fasting laboratory tests may be ordered at this visit.
Nutritional Counseling: Healthy eating is an important part of the weight management program. Our dietitians will meet with families individually at every appointment to thoroughly assess current eating choices, to prepare individualized meal plans, and to address practical aspects of starting the nutritional plan.
Physical Activity Assessment: Increasing physical activity or exercise is also a key part of beginning a healthy lifestyle. Our exercise physiologist works individually with children and their families to assess their current level of activity and physical fitness and to create an individualized activity plan that is appropriate for the child's current health status. It is best for children to wear comfortable clothing to the appointment so that our exercise physiologist can teach them new exercises for improving fitness.
Psychological Screening: Our clinic is prepared to evaluate psychosocial issues often related to being overweight, such as low self-esteem, peer-teasing, depression, parent-child relationship difficulties, as well as complications related to illness. The medical provider or social worker will perform psychological screening during the initial visit. The team is prepared to provide resources to address concerns that may arise. Often patients will need ongoing mental health treatment and recommendations for referrals will be made.
Return Appointments: In general, we recommend that the child and family return every 3 months so that their progress with their goals can be monitored. Appointments with individual health care providers can also be scheduled to accommodate specific needs (e.g. referral to a physical therapist can be considered for joint concerns). Clinic visits are continued until the child reaches a health goal including satisfactory body weight.