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Medical Office

1600 7th Avenue South
6th Floor McWane
Birmingham, AL 35233

Medical Office

1600 7th Avenue South
6th Floor McWane

About Me

Clinical Assocaite Professor


Helen DeVos Children's Hospital

Kennedy Krieger Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Emory University

University of Mississippi

Board Certifications

Clinical Psychology, (1970)


Feeding challengens, anxiety and behavioral management of children

Professional Organizations

APA, aPA, APA Div 54


1. Melton, A., D’Angelo, C., Barnes, M., & Mastin, M.E. (March 2018). Associations Between Changes in Feeding Behaviors and Psychosocial Functioning in Pediatric Patients with Feeding Disorders and Their Families Following an 8-week Intensive Feeding Program. Presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida. 2. Mastin, M.E. (February 2017). Feeding Difficulties: Psychosocial and Medical Concerns, Treatments, and Outcomes. Grand Rounds at Children’s of Alabama. 3. Barnes, M., Dimmitt, R., & Mastin, M.E. (October 2016). Associations Between Changes in Feeding Behaviors and Psychosocial Functioning in Pediatric Patients with Feeding Disorders and Their Families Following an 8-week Intensive Feeding Program. Presented at the World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition. Montreal, Canada. 4. Barnes, M., Dimmitt, R., & Mastin, M.E. (February 2016). Preliminary Evaluation of the Effects of an 8-week Intensive Feeding Program on Feeding Behaviors in Pediatric Patients with Feeding Disorders. Presented at Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting. Tucson, Arizona. 5. Smith, N., Harris, W., Dimmitt, R., & Mastin, M. E. (September 2015). Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation and Management of Aerodigestive Issues in Pediatric Patients. Presented at the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Birmingham, Alabama.