Kimberlly L Stringer
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
About Me
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Texas Tech Health Science Center, Lubbock Tx
, Pediatrics
Medical School:
University of Tennessee
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Texas Tech Health Science Center
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Board Certifications
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics (1970)
American Board of Pediatrics - Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (1970)
Honors and Awards
2014 Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Scholars Symposium Award, Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, AAP Council of Children with Disabilities, AAP Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Todd M, Sarpong D, Brown D, Stringer K. “The Utilization of Parental Support Groups among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder “. Journal of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics February-March 2015 36(2): S13.
- Buttross S, Elkin D, Stringer K., Saunders B. “Creating Behavioral Care Systems in a Developmental Desert” Concurrent Session Oral Presentation. Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Conference. September 18, 2016.
- Stringer K. and Walton J. “Laboratory Monitoring for Atypical Antipsychotics: A Fellows’ QI Project” Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Education Committee Workshop. September, 2011.
- Stringer K. and Wolkfolk S. “Comparison of Obesity-Related Knowledge, Behaviors, and Body Weight Perceptions Among College-Aged Students of Different Races” National Medical Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA July, 2008.
- Stringer, K and Ponder, S. Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee: Report to the Legislature 2015 Accessed on 03/8/2015 http://www.dmh.ms.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Mississippi-Autism-Advisory-Committee-2015_Report_FINAL_2.11.2016.pdf