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Medical Office

619 South 19th Street
176F, Suite 9380
Birmingham, AL 35249-7335

Medical Office

619 South 19th Street
176F, Suite 9380
Birmingham, AL 35249-7335

About Me

Associate Professor


UAB , Pediatrics

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland , Pediatrics

Medical School:
University College Dublin

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Board Certifications



Honors and Awards

Honors: Outstanding Resident Quality Improvement Project, UAB Pediatric Residency Program for best QI project, 2019. Southern Society for Pediatric Research Travel Award, New Orleans, 2019. Society for Pediatric Research House Officer Research Award, PAS, Toronto, 2018. Southern Society for Pediatric Research David Oelberg Honorary Trainee Travel Award, New Orleans, 2018. Best Abstract Clinical Research, UAB Pediatric Science Day, 2018. Quarterback Club Subspecialty Education Award, UAB Pediatric Residency Program, 2017. Fellowship Research Award, UAB Pediatric Fellowship Program, 2017. Pediatric Academic Societies Travel Award, San Francisco, 2017 Honorable Mention Gage Awards 2017 for Golden Week Quality Improvement Initiative, America’s Essential Hospitals, Chicago, 2017. Best Presentation, UAB Pediatric Science Day, Children’s of Alabama, 2017. Southern Society for Pediatric Research Young Investigator Award in Clinical Science, New Orleans, 2017. Best Presentation, UAB Postdoctoral Research Day, 2017. Health Services, Outcomes, and Effectiveness Research Training Program AHRQ NRSA T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship MSPH, UAB, 2016. Irish American Pediatric Society Travel Award and IAPS award for Best Presentation, 2016. Dixon Fellowship Training Program. Children’s of Alabama/UAB research grant award 2016/2017. Best Presentation, Irish Perinatal Society, Ireland, 2016. Pediatric Academic Societies Travel Award, San Diego, 2015. Chief Resident of University Hospital Limerick 2014. Short listed for the Intern Medal in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital 2008. OSCE prize from Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College, Dublin, 2006.


Clinical Interest: Improving outcomes among extremely preterm infants. Respiratory support, control of breathing, growth, and neurodevelopment. / Research Interest: Clinical trails, epidemiology, and global health. Implementation of evidence based med.

Professional Organizations

American Academy of Pediatrics. Instructor, Neonatal resuscitation Program. Training and Early Career Neonatologists, AAP. Southern Society for Pediatric Research. Junior Society for Pediatric Research. Irish and American Pediatric Society. Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.