Type 2 Diabetes
When Kendall Hogan of Hartford was six years old, her parents Judy and Jeff became concerned. She was tall for her age, was experiencing underarm odor unusual for a child her age and also had developed a dark ring around her neck. Her local physician performed a number of tests, but when he was unable to diagnose what was causing Kendall’s symptoms, he referred the Hogans to an endocrinologist at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. When testing at Children’s was complete, they were told that Kendall was in the pre-stages of Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a disorder that occurs when the body does not make enough insulin or is unable to use insulin properly. Without enough insulin, the body cannot move blood sugar into the cells. It is a chronic disease with no known cure and, in recent years, more and more children and adolescents are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The diagnosis has meant a change in lifestyle for the Hogans. “I check her sugar regularly and she eats better now,” says Judy. Since Kendall’s diagnosis, Judy has worked to keep her daughter’s blood-sugar levels as close to normal as possible. She also sees that Kendall gets regular physical activity and routine healthcare – including yearly visits back to Children’s. “Children’s is a place where you feel like family the first time you walk in the door,” says Judy. “The atmosphere is amazing, and they do their best to make it not feel like a hospital. It’s a great hospital with great people doing great things!”