Hereditary Spherocytosis
January 2, 2019
Cayden Nicholas Pena was born on Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 11:15 pm. He was born 5 weeks and 5 days early due to my complications with pregnancy. After he was born, he developed jaundice. The doctors also noticed that his red blood cell count was not up like it should have been. At first they gave him the diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis, however his hematologist in Birmingham wasn't sure until he got to see Cayden's actual blood cell. Hereditary Spherocytosis is where the red blood cells are shaped like spheres instead of a normal cell. Cayden will eventually have to have his spleen out due to his blood condition and his immune system will always be weak. He has had 12 blood transfusions and 1 complete blood exchange. Cayden has also had 5 hospitalizations all but 1 of those were at Children's in Birmingham. Now they are treating Cayden's blood disorder with transfusions every 3 to 4 weeks depending on his blood counts. I know Cayden is strong and the doctor's are amazing and I have the faith that God will watch over everything that happens with my sweet boy!