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Heat Safety

Every summer, we see an increase in sunburns and heat-related illnesses. The most common heat-related illnesses are heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Some of the ways you can prevent these conditions is by avoiding direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day, drinking plenty of fluids, wearing light-colored and loose clothing on hot days, and using sunscreen.

Importance of Sunscreen

Summer Heat Safety

Heat Safety Articles

Heat Illness Article

Heat Illness

Summer in Alabama can bring high temperatures and an oppressive heat index. Kids are at risk for heat cramps, heat exhaustion...

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Heat Wave Protection

Protecting Your Children from a Heat Wave

In very hot weather, high humidity, and other conditions, body heat can build to dangerous levels.

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Heat Safety

Heat Illness: Heat Cramps to Heatstroke

Our bodies create a lot of heat. Normally, they're cooled through sweating and by heat radiating...

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