Firearm Safety
Kids are curious and impulsive. When they find an unsecured gun, they are very likely to handle it—even if they have been instructed to never touch a gun.
All children, even those without guns in their home, can be at risk for unintentional firearm injuries.
Caregivers should discuss the presence of guns and the method of storage of these guns when their children will be playing or spending time in the homes of friends and family members. Getting in the habit of asking about guns when setting up a playdate or overnight at the homes of others will make this somewhat awkward conversation become easier over time.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Gun Violence

Secure Gun Storage Resources
Download Be SMART handouts about secure storage practices and types of secure storage.
Secure Gun Storage ResourcesWhat You Can Do:
- Keep all guns locked, either with a gun lock or a gun safe.
- Store guns unloaded and away from ammunition.
- If anyone in the house is undergoing treatment for mental health disorders such as depression or suicidal thoughts, remove all firearms from the house for his/her safety.