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Do you have separate waiting areas for sick and well children?

How do I get a form (blue card, camp/sports form) filled out for my child?
Obtain the form from the daycare, school, etc., and send it to us along with a stamped, self addressed envelope. We will complete the form and mail it. If your child has not been seen for a check up in the last 12 months, please schedule a check-up visit and bring the form with you to the appointment.

How do I get an insurance referral?
If your doctor recommends your child see a specialist, call our office at 205-870-1273, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to get a referral authorization. If your doctor has not recommended a specialist referral, please call our office to schedule a visit to evaluate your child’s problem.

Is there a charge to have forms filled out such as a blue card or camp form?
A processing fee will apply for all forms not requested at an office visit to see the doctor.

Is there a doctor available 24 hours a day?
Yes. If the office is closed and you have an urgent problem that will not wait until morning you can call our answering service. After hours calls are handled by a nurse triage system known as pediatric health information line (phil). You will have a chance to speak with a registered nurse who can give you appropriate advice that has been approved by your doctor. If your child’s condition is serious or the problem isn’t clear, the nurse will either page the doctor to call you or suggest that your child be seen at an emergency room or urgent care center.

What if I have a non-emergent question about my child’s health?
You can call the office anytime we are open and leave your child’s name, date of birth, telephone number and a brief message. A nurse will call you back to talk to you about your concerns. If the nurse is unable to help you, she will either ask the doctor to call you back or suggest you make an appointment.

Where can I park when I come for my child’s visit?
We have convenient “front-door” parking at our practice.

Will my child always see our personal physician?
One of the advantages of a group practice, such as ours, is that doctors can cover for each other. Even if your doctor is out of town or fully-scheduled, another member of our medical staff can take care of your child’s needs.