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Routine Office Visits Schedule


What to Expect


Lab Work

3 weeks of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam


PKU, CBC, Urinalysis

2 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Pentacel, Prevnar, Hep B, RotaTeq


4 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Pentacel, Prevnar, RotaTeq, Hep B (If not given at 2 months)


6 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Pentacel, Prevnar, RotaTeq (do not give if the child is more than 32 weeks)

CBC, Urinalysis

9 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Hep B


12 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Prevnar, Varivax, Hep A

CBC, Urinalysis

15 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Pentacel, MMR


18 months of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Hep A

CBC, Urinalysis

2 years of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

Hep A (if not given at 18 months)

CBC, Urinalysis

3-4 years of age

Ht, Wt, BP, HR, Doctor Exam

Prevnar (if needed)

CBC, Urinalysis

5 years of age

Ht, Wt, BP, HR, Doctor Exam

DTaP, IPV, ProQuad

CBC, Urinalysis

6-10 years of age

Ht, Wt, HC, Doctor Exam

(catch-up-Hep A, Varivax)

CBC, Urinalysis

11 years of age


TDaP, Menactra, HPV

CBC, Urinalysis

12 years of age


catch-up all vaccines