Electroencephalogram (EEG)
My Child is having an Routine Sleep Deprived EEG ?
An EEG records the brain's electrical activity. These recordings look for abnormalities that may occur in patients with seizure disorders. Important information can be obtained to aid in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The EEG is performed with electrodes that are attached to the scalp with special paste. A SLEEP DEPRIVED EEG is an EEG that requires the patient to be deprived of sleep. The EEG takes about 1 hour to complete. The child is not given any medications during the EEG.
My Child is having an Ambulatory EEG?
An ambulatory EEG helps to capture your brain's electrical activity for 72 hours. The electrodes are attached to the scalp with a special paste during the sleep deprived EEG. You are given a special recorder that is slightly larger then a portable cassette player with a strap to carry on your shoulder the wires run either under your shirt or outside of it. Then you go about your normal routine. We prefer for the child to go to school if he or she will so we can get a true daily activity log. Attach to the portable recorder you will have an "event" button that you press if you experience any of the symptoms that you are being tested for. You are also asked to keep a diary of your actions during the day to help the doctor identify the cause of abnormal activity if any is recorded.
Does my child need to be on a special diet prior to their EEG?
Your child may eat a regular diet EXCEPT for caffeine or chocolate the day before and the day of the test.
How does my child need to have his or her hair the day of the test?
Your child's hair must be clean, completely dry and brushed out. NO mousse, gels, oils, creams, hairsprays or braids.
What do we need to do if we need to cancel an EEG appointment or are running late to an appointment?
If your child has a 7:30 a.m. EEG appointment and you are going to be late or must cancel please call the office at 7:20am and ask for the "back line" to speak to the EEG Tech. We request if you can not make your scheduled EEG appointment you let us know 24 hours in advance since EEG appointments are very limited and there is a waiting list. Also anyone who is 30 minutes late for their EEG may have to be rescheduled for another date.
What days do you do EEG in the office?
We do sleep deprived EEG on Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursdays 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Instructions for Sleep Deprivation:
- Infants: Once they wake in the morning keep them awake until their appointment
- Ages 1-4 years: Go to bed one hour later than normal the night before and wake them 2 hours earlier than normal and keep them awake until appointment
- Ages 5 & up: Must have NO MORE than 6 hours of sleep the night before test. Patient needs to wake 2-4 hours earlier than normal and keep them awake until appointment
- They may eat a regular diet EXCLUDING chocolate and caffeine the day before test and the day of the test. Take all medicication EXCLUDING sleep aids as normal
- Hair must be clean, completely dry and brushed out-NO mousse, oils, gels, creams, hairspray or lotion on face or head. NO braids