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Diagnosis and Treatment of VOGM


VOGM can lead to neurological symptoms including seizures, developmental delay, and hydrocephalus. In severe cases, VOGM can also cause cardiac complications, difficulty breathing and/or death shortly after birth.
Diagnosis of VOGM is made through the use of imaging studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and cerebral angiography to define the anatomy of the lesion. Abnormal shunting leads to increased intracranial pressure which may have fatal consequences. Once VOGM has been diagnosed, treatment typically involves a combination of medications, surgical intervention, and physical and/or occupational therapy for rehabilitation. 

Currently, there is no cure for VOGM, and treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms and preventing any further neurological complications. In severely affected individuals, the prognosis can be poor, and early diagnosis is essential in order to provide the best possible outcome. There are currently no specific, targeted pharmacologic treatments aimed at ameliorating VOGM.