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Critical Care Transport

Children's of Alabama QB1 Critical Care Transport Helicopter

Our History

Children's Critical Care Transport teamThe Children's Critical Care Transport team originated in 1983 to meet the specific needs for transporting critically ill and injured children. Since Birmingham offered such high levels of care and treatment regimens, the demand for a means of getting these patients here was on the rise as well as the concerns of transporting critically ill children. Critical Care Transport came through with the ability to take the knowledge and technology that was based here in Birmingham, and carry it out to the critically ill all while incorporating the ability to transport these patients back to Birmingham in an efficient and controlled environment.

The Children's Hospital Critical Care Transport team offers exclusive pediatric and neonatal transport for the Southeastern U.S. and beyond. We also have international capabilities if the need arises. Our team is based out of Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. We offer HELICOPTER, JET and GROUND transport depending on weather, location and patient needs. Our teams of specially trained nurses and respiratory therapists have extensive backgrounds in pediatric intensive care, trauma, burn, emergency medicine, neonatal intensive care, nitric oxide therapy and ECMO. We are backed and supported 24/7 by pediatric and neonatal medical control physicians.

In 2008, after years of sharing one helicopter with Alabama LifeSaver, we launched our first ever dedicated helicopter solely for the transport of pediatric and neonatal patients. Easily identified with the Children's Hospital's red and white branding.

In 2022, our helicopter was upgraded to a Airbus EC145. While this new aircraft does not appear much different, it has increased speed and range capabilities.

Arrange a Transport

Children's Critical Care TransportTo request CARE Flight AND/OR arrange for an accepting physician, call 1-800-482-4228. Simply ask the Operator for the Pediatric or Neonatal intensive care physician for Children's Hospital and Children's CARE Flight coordinator. You will quickly be connected to the appropriate physician and the transport coordinator. The intensivist can provide medical management advice until the CARE Flight team arrives.

Referring facilities need to be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Patient name
  • Referring facility name and contact number
  • Unit the patient is located
  • Age and weight of the patient
  • Working diagnosis

A member of the CARE Flight team or a helicopter dispatch will contact the referring facility for a patient report, provide an estimated time of arrival and answer any questions.

Contact Information

1-800-482-4228 or 1-800-4TCH-CCT 

Care Flight Critical Care Transport
Children's of Alabama
1512 5th Ave South
Birmingham, Alabama 35233
Office: 205-638-7495
Fax: 205-252-4471

Children's of Alabama utilizes Med-Trans Corporation, a Part 135 approved air carrier, operating under FAA certificate # M3XA227H to operate its rotor-wing aircraft. Med-Trans maintains operational control of the aircraft at all times.