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Physicians in the Division of Neonatology provide comprehensive care of all neonatal illness, using the most complete and up-to-date techniques. It is responsible for the operation of the Regional Newborn Intensive Care Unit at University Hospital and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children's of Alabama. Neonatologists in the Division provide care to preterm and term neonates with all medical and surgical conditions. The Division accepts referrals of neonates with any illness including genetic, cardiac and surgical problems from the state, nation and overseas. In addition, Neonatology provides coverage at five private, not-for-profit community hospitals.




The Division currently has fourteen faculty members. Research interests are in the following areas: respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal infections and immunology, persistent pulmonary hypertension, lung development, lung assist devices, lung injury, ventilation techniques in newborns, gastrointestinal development, necrotizing enterocolitis, neonatal apnea, cardiovascular problems, and complications arising from prematurity. Division faculty members are active in many research endeavors, including the 17-center Neonatal Research Network and the Global Network for Women's and Children's Health Research, which are funded by the National Institutes of Health. These investigators are in the forefront of clinical research, utilizing innovative treatments in all areas of neonatal care. Major advances include new therapies to reduce intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral palsy, and chronic lung disease in infants.

If you have an appointment with Neonatology and have any questions, please call our Scheduling Center at 205-638-9141 or 800-226-4770.

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