Drew Ferguson, MEd, LAT, ATC, CSCS - Director
Drew Ferguson, MEd., LAT, ATC, CSCS - Director (email)
BS in Education and Exercise Physiology, The University of Georgia, 1974
MEd. with an emphasis in Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1976
Prior Work Experience:
Athletic Trainer for the World Football League, 1974-1975
Co-founded the Sports Medicine Institute of Alabama (now COA Sports Medicine) in 1975
US Olympic Basketball Athletic Trainer at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO, 1979
USOC Track and Field Athletic Trainer for the Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA, 1996
Medical Director of the US Senior Games in Birmingham, AL, 2017
Medical Director of the Maccabi Games Jewish Olympics in Birmingham, AL, 2017
Head Athletic Trainer at UAB for Coach Gene Bartow, 1975-1982; Director of Sports Medicine at UAB/COA, 1982-present
Positions Held:
Secretary/Treasurer of the Alabama State Board of Athletic Trainers, 1994-1995
Chair of the Alabama State Board of Athletic Trainers, 1995-2008
Member of the Alabama High School Athletic Association Medical Advisory Board, 2010-present
Chair of the Public Policy Committee of the Alabama Concussion Task Force, 2010-present
Drew is currently the Director of Sports Medicine for the COA Sports Medicine Clinic and The Concussion Clinic and has remained in this position since the clinic's inception in 1975