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Express Admit Unit (EAU)

Emergency DepartmentThe EAU is located within the Emergency Department (ED) and is for patients who are being admitted to the hospital. One of the purposes of this unit is to ensure your child is admitted to the best unit for their healthcare needs. While here;

  • A quick assessment and vital signs will be performed on your child and the admitting team (doctors, nurse practitioners) will be informed of your arrival.
  • At this time, a member of our registration team will also come to your room and register your child as an inpatient in the hospital.
  • Depending on your child’s condition and how long you are on the unit, your nurse may begin inpatient care (start an IV, give medications, get an x-ray).
  • Once registration is complete and your room is ready, you and your child will be taken to his/her assigned room/unit.

There are times when a patient has to be admitted due to illness or injury but there is not a room ready at the time of admission. In this case, your child will stay in the EAU until the room is ready. When this occurs;

  • Your child’s care will begin in the EAU and is the same care that will continue when he/she gets to his/her room.
  • Although you are physically in the ED, your child is not an ED patient and is treated as an inpatient.
  • You will have a nurse assigned to care for your child and we also have Clinical Assistants (CAs) who may assist with your child’s care and help with non-urgent needs such as water or Gatorade (if your child’s diet allows).
  • Please write down any concerns/questions you have for the admitting team so you may ask them when they come to see your child.